Sick Head

Is it just me, or is everyone sick? I know it's that time of year and all, but right now it's different, somehow. People that I usually can count on as stalwarts of unassailable health have fallen ill. Disgustingly, drippingly ill. I myself have not been immune, having to call in sick yesterday for the first time in a long, long time.

I hate calling in sick. I hate the confinement of the house that I come to loathe as the hours slowly pass. I hate knowing that e-mails are stacking up in a quivering electronic pile, those little beige envelopes glowing accusingly at me when I finally go back to work. I hate getting that same guilty feeling I got in fifth grade when I would exaggerate a cough to my mom in order to stay in bed with Coke, saltines and Calvin & Hobbes books. But most of all, I hate what my mind does when I stay home sick.

As I lay in bed yesterday, staring up at the ceiling and wondering when death's sweet embrace would come, I started thinking about my life. My fevered brain started going through all the things that have happened over the years. People I've known, stuff that I've done, feelings I've acted and not acted on. I began to ask myself THE QUESTIONS. You know what they are:

Is this it? Is this where I wanted my life to be at this point? What should I/could I have done differently? Is this, to quote Jack Nicholson, as good as it gets?

The answer I gave myself was surprising, yet very Shane-like: yes and no. As always, I could see both sides of the issue. I have a good life; a great wife, supportive family and friends, a solid career. But I also felt like I wasn't quite there yet. It seems like there are a few more of life's sweet fruits that I'm still not picking.

I don't usually get all introspective in my blog, but here it is: I'm going to turn up the awesome in my life. It's not a new year's resolution - it's a new life resolution. Things are pretty good, but I know they can be truly great. It's all in here. I'm going to try new things, have more adventures, and cram more living into life. Interesting what a not-really-so-near-death experience will do to you. Wish me luck.


Brock said...

Awesome. Do as much crazy stuff before you guys have kids. It gets harder (not impossible) to do that stuff. Travel, etc.