He's Makin' a List...

I've been bitten by the year-end list bug, and decided to post some "top threes" of the stuff that I read, listened to and watched in '08. Here we go:

Top Three Books Read in 2008

1. The Road by Cormac McCarthy
It's not for everyone. It's bleak, haunting, and almost heartbreaking at times. But few books I've ever read have affected me so much or stayed with me so long. You will never quite be the same after reading this. My favorite book by one of my favorite authors.

2. World War Z by Max Brooks
At the opposite end of the spectrum from the previous book, this one is one of the most fun, escapist reads I've had in a long while. Completely fictitious, but almost completely plausible. Just good, clean zombie fun.

3. Guns, Germs and Steel by Jared Diamond
I finally got around to reading this one. An absolutely fascinating look at the development of human societies, and why history has unfolded the way it has. For example: have you ever wondered why the Europeans conquered and colonized the Americas, rather than the other way around?

Top Three Albums of 2008

1. Viva la Vida by Coldplay
Not much more I can say here than that all the hype is true. The greatest album of 2008. Period. I saw these guys in concert last month, and they ran up into the seats and played an acoustic set ten feet from us. Surreal doesn’t begin to describe it.

2. Tie between The Glass Passenger by Jack’s Mannequin and Day & Age by The Killers
Two bands that just seem to get better with each album. Both just have a knack for sweet, sweet melody. Love it.

3. Prospekt’s March EP by Coldplay
I know, I know – more Coldplay. But have you listened to this? This mini-album gets more musical ideas across in 25 minutes than most bands do in a full length or double album.

Top Three Movies of 2008

1. The Dark Knight
Finally: a comic book movie that doesn’t feel like a comic book. No superpowers, no magical creatures, just a great story and great acting. Heath Ledger went out on top.

2. Wall-E
Only Pixar could make a love story with nearly mute robots as the leads and make it work, and work beautifully. I admit to getting a tear in my eye as Wall-E and Eve circled each other around the ship as the computer described what “dancing” was. Pure poetry.

3. Twilight
Just kidding. I was forced to sit through this disaster, and pointedly remarked to Riley that we could have just sat at the mall and watched teenagers make lustful eyes at each other for two hours and saved twenty bucks. That is ALL that happens in this movie. The dude is a vampire, too, I guess. It also didn't help that I was apparently far too old and far too male to enjoy this film in a theater filled with squealing fourteen-year-old girls.