It's Like They Know Me

Much as I adore the written word, it does have its limitations. The tone and nuance of speech can make the same statement have VERY different meanings, and is something that can never be properly conveyed on the page or screen. Until now.

Enter the enterprising minds behind the SarcMark. These punctuation pioneers have created the solution to every snide writer's dilemma. Want to ensure that your readers (even the slow ones) grasp the gasp-worthy grandeur of your wit and snark? Simply toss a SarcMark at the end of the phrase and instant comprehension is your reward. $1.99 was never better spent.

As you can never have too many on hand, I've bought 4,000 of these so far. That ought to last the month, I think. Maybe I should make it 5,000...

(Love) Can Be

In the spirit of Valentine's Day, you get a bit of (possibly sappy) verse. By "you", I mean Riley. Love you, B.G.

(Love) Can Be

Can be chilling, can be heat
Can be acrid, can be sweet

Can be mourning, can be dance
Can be timid, can be chance

Can be flowing, can be trickle
Can be faithful, can be fickle

Can be when, can be where
Can be touch, can be stare

Can be spoken, can be hushed
Can be stagnant, can be rushed

Can be able, can be lame
Can be hubris, can be shame

Can be tumult, can be stable
Can be gospel, can be fable

Can be brilliant, can be dim
Can be her, can be him

Can be lucid, can be pall
Can be never, can be all