What I Want

I think we all have them: little lists in our head of the things we want. No matter how happy and content you are with your life, there are still probably a couple of things that would make it just a little more complete.

For today's purposes, I'm not talking about "peace on earth" or "publishing a novel" or "inventing the next Heimlich Maneuver". Dreams, schemes and goals are all well and good, but this list is tangible, material possessions only.

So today, you get a peek at my most-wanted list, or at least a bit of it. Some items are going to be a little tough to get, others are more within reach. All are awesome:

The white suit John Lennon wore on the cover of "Abbey Road".

The Bluth family's stair car from "Arrested Development".

A "Star Wars" Tauntuan sleeping bag.

An American Deluxe Fender Stratocaster.

The actual setlist paper from a Coldplay concert that I attend (preferably autographed).

A gold-plated MacBook.