So Flippin' Funny

Few things please me more than well-done satire. LDS humor has been pretty hit and miss (usually miss) for me in this regard. That's why I'm so thrilled to direct you to Written by an anonymous and brilliant wit, this site absolutely skewers the young and married LDS blogging world. Utah Valley slang? Check. Abominable grammar and syntax? Check. Sucralose-sweet gushing and hyperbole? Check and Check. I've actually read some of these sentences verbatim on peoples' blogs. Stop by for a minute and enjoy.

WARNING: if you've ever written anything like this in your blog, get ready for a serious case of the blushies.


Brock said...

That blog (and its attendant comments) absolutely made my morning.

Amanda said...

I really can't decide if that blog is fake or not. What scares me is that I've seen some out there very similar to that one, and they were being serious!!

erin said...

Shane, JV showed me this post, and I have to say you have made my entire day. Thanks.